Monday, July 30, 2012

Putting on that CAN DO attitude :)

Another uneventful weekend gone. Had dinner with my dad on Sunday like we always do. Carter ate like a horse and Ava didn't do so bad herself. I called it a few weeks ago.. I told Steven when Carter was eating like a bird, "Watch.. in a few weeks he will eat up everything in the house. It's a growth spurt." Good thing we haven't done out school shopping yet. It won't be long though, only three weeks until my babies go back to school! Bittersweet for sure.. I will miss them in the mornings before I go to work but it will be so good for both of them. This will be Carter's first year of school at all and I'm sure he is going to do well and enjoy it. It will be Ava's second year, and honestly I think she needs the structure. She is so out of sorts right now, and I'm sure she misses being a social butterfly.

Tonight we are going to try a new recipe for dinner.

Sausage Stuffed Zucchini Boats from Skinny Taste. It definitely does look delicious so I can't wait to see how it turns out. I follow her on Pinterest and she has tons of amazing (and healthy!) recipes. I want to try them all.. seriously! I'll be sure to report back on this one :)

OH! Our feline house guest went home.. finally!! Steven dropped him off Saturday afternoon, after he completely attacked him! I felt so bad for the poor guy (the cat.. haha) but he needed to be someone elses problem. We spent the afternoon cleaning out his cage and getting him all ready to go then cleaning off the patio where he was hanging out. However, Steven's right hand is swollen and a little bit red/warm but not toooooo bad. He kept asking me for advice about what to do, if I thought it was infected, etc. I told him to take some Tylenol to reduce the swelling (which helped immensely) and if he was really concerned to either go to the ER or call up the nurses line and see what they say. He has some scratched further up on his wrist/forearm and a few very small puncture woulds from the bite. He (the cat) held on to Steven like a tree branch, it was definitely a sight to see. I tried my hardest to not giggle, really I did.

Hopefully by the end of the week I will be all registered for school.. I hope. It seems like every time I have tried to enroll, something always backfires and I end up saying "next semester..." and "next semester" never comes. I feel like I'm ready to take on some regular curriculum classes this time around, thanks to the pharmacy tech course I took last year/earlier this year. (It's not what I feel a passion for and do not plan to pursue it but it did give me a lot of information that is helpful in day-to-day life, especially with kids!) I figure, if I'm still only working part time and there are no full time prospects on the horizon, then the absolute least I can do is take some classes and work towards something. So, wish me luck!

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