Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Another weekend down

The weekends are way too short and the work weeks are way too long. "They" should balance it out more like 3 day weekends and 4 day workweeks.

Anyways, this weekend was pretty uneventful. We stayed home and hung out, the kids played outside, my dad came over and we cooked on the grill. I took a nap :) The dog got loose TWICE and it's always a frenzy to get her back home ASAP. People like to fly around the curve at the end of our street and besides that, Abbie will jump in a car with pretty much anyone. Which is exactly what she did.

A neighbor on the street behind our house brought her back because Abbie jumped in her car as she was getting ready to go to the bank. She asked around and her neighbors pointed her in our direction. She pulled up and asked if we lost our dog and Abbie poked her head up from the back window. Ava invited the girls 5 year old brother over to play so we all talked and hung out. What a weird way to meet someone though, no?

I have been "cat sitting" for two days now... shoot me now. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE cats, we have a cat (kitten) but this one... ohhhhhh this one. He is an outside cat and is VERY unhappy about being made to stay inside. He terrorized Abbie and Breezy then proceeded to piss all over my house. OMG YES. I woke up to cat piss smell wafting through my house which made me less than ecstatic. I ended up calling into work and spending the whole day cleaning trying to get rid of the smell. I put the cat in his wire cage and put him outside on my covered patio/porch area with his food and water bowl. I switch the food out with a small litter box a couple times a day. When I left for work the bastard had knocked his water over, mixed with the little bit of litter that was in the bottom of the cage and it was a huge mess. I told Steven that we were going to have to put a collar on him and walk him around the yard while we clean the cage out. Ugh. The cherry on top is that I am more than sure there won't be a "thank you" or anything uttered from the owner. I also told Steven "NO MORE FAVORS" for these people. I am tired of going out of my way for them and not even getting a thank you in the end. No more.

Aside from that excitement, I'm still waiting for my financial aid to come through. Registration for fall is next monday and tuesday so *fingers crossed* that it works out. I will be so sad if I have to miss out on this semester... but that seems to be how it usually works out.

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