Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 5th of July?!

Haha here I am again. Steven and the kids got back on Sunday. We relaxed and hung out at the house all day.. it was nice. I worked my usual monday and tuesday and had wednesday off for 4th of July. We cooked out at my dads and did some fireworks with the kids. We stayed out late then came home and crashed.

My dad is on a new diet.. he is diabetic and has high blood pressure and all kinds of other issues but he's trying to get off some of the many meds he has been taking for years. He changing his way of eating has inspired me (again!) to clean up the way we eat at home. Buying fresh produce is SO EXPENSIVE so I think we will make an effort to hit up the farmers market at least one of the two times they have it during the week. I will try to add more healthy protein like chicken and tuna and try to stay away from beef and sausage and stuff like that. I want to start trying to do this 30 day ab and core challenge with the kids at night and see what happens. After Ava was born I bounced back pretty quickly. With Carter, not so much. Plus being in a very comfortable relationship for going on 4 years has not helped at all! Way too many Reese's cups and bags of chips between the two of us! If I ever successfully land a FT job I plan on hiring a personal trainer to at least help me out in the beginning so I can get myself on the right track. I don't mind walking and I live in a decent neighborhood where walking is possible, but it seriously kills my high arches. Better shoes will go on the list along with a personal trainer. I'm too young to be this out of shape.. it's sad, really.

Other than that, Ava lost TWO teeth in less than 24 hours! First she lost the one on the bottom after being overly dramatic and crying that "it huuuuurts", Steven finally got it out. It seriously didn't even bleed. Tooth Fairy left her $1.95 in random, loose change under her pillow but she was totally stoked. For her front top tooth she got $2 paper dollars and was even more excited. And she still has one more that is loose! This child is seriously going to break the Tooth Fairy, she's going to start writing IOU's. On the other hand, Carter has only lost the one that he knocked out on accident about 2 years ago.

Anyways.. nothing else exciting going on. I need to get on the ball and get my admission stuff for fall semester finished up but I'm waiting to hear back on a few things before I do that.