Friday, July 27, 2012

Can I do a favor for you?


So this past Sunday night, I started "cat sitting" for a relative of a friend. It's a male cat and he is neutered so I didn't think it would be a huge deal. It has ended up being so much more and it has snowballed into such a bigger situation. And now... now I am just fed up with it.

So the cat stayed in the house Sunday night. Abbie sleeps in her kennel at night and Breezy sleeps with Ava in her room at night so I wasn't worried about any fights or anything. I wake up monday morning to the pleasant aroma of cat piss wafting through my house. Wonderful. So I ended up taking the day off from work to stay home and clean all the floors and everything hoping like hell to get the stench out. It helped a lot, but I'm not totally convinced it is completely gone.

So I kick the cat to the porch, inside his big wire cage. He's hanging out in the shade with food and water and has been there ever since. I have to scrub down the whole patio with a broom and some kind of cleaning agent (bleach? Dawn? vinegar? all of the above, maybe?) to get the cat smell out... that's not an overly huge deal though.

So Steven calls cat owner this morning and tells them that he will be bringing the cat back to them tonight. They proceed to ask Steven if he will register a car in his name for them... absolutely not. Mom got a DWI about 3 years ago and is not even close to getting her license back. Daughter can't get a license even though she is 16 because she dropped out of school almost a year ago and they won't grant her one. Why do unlicensed drivers need a car and even more than that, why does it have to be in mine/his/our names? Absolutely not. Moreso, "if" Steven were to put the car in his name, he would need to get insurance on it. Even if "they pay it", if they don't then they will suspend Steven's license. Not to ask anyone to go out on a limb for them or anything.

So I get to work in the afternoon and cat owner texts me to ask if she can come (with her chihuahua) and stay the weekend at my house. I told her we weren't going to be home, so no. Then I told her we are taking the cat back to her tonight.. then she asks if I can send her some cat food because they don't have any. I already know this, because they didn't bring any cat food on SUNDAY when they brought the cat over anyways so it has been up to me to feet this monster. I agreed to send some cat food for him.

The cherry on top was when cat owner/daughter texts me AGAIN and asks me if I can bring her a pack of cigarettes too "because she's in a bad mood." You wanna know something, sweetheart? You are putting me in a bad mood with all these favors you are asking of me. When I do something for her, I don't even get a thank you or anything out of it. Last weekend she texted us on sunday asking if we would pick her up and take her to Walmart to get a card for her phone. Whatever, we had to go to Walmart anyways and to 2 other stores in the same strip mall so it wasn't a big big deal. We are all loaded up in the car (Me, Steven, and 2 kids in carseats) and she texts asking if I am coming alone. STOP BEING PICKY! You are getting a free ride after I go out of my way to pick you up. She said she had like $6 and would give it to us for taking her. Cool, a couple of bucks in the pocket for our effort. Do you think she thought to give it to us before she got out of the car? Of course not! So Steven texted her later that night reminding her about the $6 and she told him she forgot and bought a pack of cigarettes with it instead. Real. Fucking. Nice.

So basically the jest of the story is that I'm DONE being taken for a ride by these people who don't want to do shit for themselves. I'm done trying to take care of MY family AND theirs. It's not my responsibility and it's not up to me. NO MORE. I am completely fed up with the way some people can  have such little disregard for other people and their belongings.

Get your own fucking ride from now on because this gravy train won't be returning.

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