Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A good day!

Today is actually a GOOD DAY!

My babies and Steven left Sunday morning to go spend the week in FL with his dad. They are doing tons of shopping and going and eating out and all the good fun stuff I always miss out on. Oh well, I've got a ton of stuff going on this week anyways so I guess it's better that way.

My classes started Thursday and I'm STILL trying to get my financial aid stuff situated so I can (finally) pay my tuition and get my books. I have assignments due on wednesday (tomorrow!) at 11:59 p.m. that I need to get done. I have to go to the DMV to get my license (well, switch it from one state to another) so I can get my in state tuition. Then I can get my books and all will be well in school-land.

Speaking of the DMV.. I went yesterday first thing in the morning to go get my license. The first guy I talked to was super nice, told me I had all the documents I needed and I was all set, just listen for your number and blah blah blah. Great! So they finally call my number (Ah, I say it like it was a long time but the wait was really only 10 - 15 minutes, and for anyone who has ever been to a DMV you know that's pretty good!) So I get back to the desk to start doing my tests (vision, signs and written) and the guy there was a complete and total asshole! He told me I needed proof of insurance for this state, which I guess makes sense but the state DMV website says they are able to issue a license without proof of insurance, but there will be a restriction on the license. No biggie, I guess. So this man is so hell bent on proving me wrong. He gets up and starts looking all over for a handbook. "Didn't you read your handbook?!" he asks me in a disgusting tone. Well no shit I read the handbook... I'm here to take the tests, right? I told him to just give me my shit back so I could go.

At that point I was beyond frustrated.. I was ready to just say "FUCK IT!" and drop all my classes and just wait until spring. I couldn't get a hold of Steven on the phone and he's usually my voice of reason since he's so, so much more level headed than I am. So I go home and start looking on the computer to see what I can do to just go ahead and get it taken care of so I can get my in state tuition and get it over with. Then I had the brilliant idea to call my dad and see if he would be willing to add me to his insurance so I can get this stupid license. So I called the DMV again and the lady I talked to said that would be fine. So he went this morning and added me on his policy and faxed me a copy to my work. So that is all done and I'll go back to the DMV first thing in the morning again to try to get my license. Hopefully I can get my books tomorrow because I really, really need to get these assignments done ASAP.

Other than that, today has been good! I had an interview this morning at 11 and a home visit from Carter's teacher at 10:30. I thought to myself, "Oh shit, I'm cutting it a little close." but explained to the teacher yesterday that I had an appointment right around the corner from my house and I needed to be there at 11. She understood so we whirled through all the paper work and information she had for me and they were on their way. I brushed my teeth and went to go run out the door... and the phone rings. It was my mother. Awesome. So I picked it up and told her really quick that I was on my way out the door for an interview that I'm on the verge of being late for and I would call her back as soon as I was done.

So I get to my interview JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME (whew!) and it went amazing! She told me I was very qualified and we talked a bit and she told me she couldn't "officially" offer me the job yet since all the paper work has to be completed within 3 days of an offer being made... but we discussed my (crazy!) schedule and pay and everything and she told me to come back Monday to do paper work and training. She is going to hire me as a keyholder which is really exciting! It pays better than a regular employee and the shop is 5 minutes tops from my house. Since the "boss lady" lives 45 minutes away, she said she needed someone close who could come in in the evenings if someone called out or if they needed to shut down the shop for the night. She told me they are a VERY family oriented place (which would almost be a given, if I told you lovely readers the name of the place, haha) Closed on Christmas, close early on Christmas Eve, close at 6 on Saturday's and only open a few hours on Sunday.

I was seriously so, so close to not even look for another job anymore. I mean, the job I have now is a cake job and it does pay the bills but there isn't much left over after everything is said and done. I've been looking for months and have gone to probably a dozen interviews and been either passed over or just never heard back. That will really take a toll on someones morale after a while. I guess this whole "be persistent" thing is really working out for me and I am getting a lot more done by being proactive rather than sitting around feeling sorry for myself. I think I have changed a lot in the last few months, and for the better.

Hopefully this is the beginning of something good!

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