Friday, June 29, 2012

It's Friday :)

Here I am again :) It's Friday! So excited. My babies will be home on Sunday so I will probably spend most of the day tomorrow cleaning house and relaxing. I have missed them immensely for the last 2 weeks, I really can't wait for them to be home again.

So yesterday I stopped by the mall before work. There is an Ulta there, and I had never been, plus I had a coupon.. so that was the first store I went to. It. Was. Amazing. Nothing at all short of my expectations. It was like, girlie heaven with all the hair products and makeup (and testers!) and clearance racks. I must have walked around in awe for like an hour. I picked up a bottle of Redken Supple Touch with my 20% off coupon, which came highly recommended from the cashier. Then I got a little bottle of Antisnap to try out and some Heavy Creme also to try out. And I got a package of macadamia nut conditioner, which was also highly recommended by the cashier. I picked up a clearance body spray too because I'm too addicted to smell good stuff. So that was a fun trip! I will definitely be going back asap to get some more junk!

After I left Ulta I went to B&BW because my supervisor had a lotion that smelled REALLY good so I wanted to pick some up. The body washes were only $3! So I got 2 of the one I came to get (Paris Amour) and 1 Be Enchanted and a shimmer body cream thing. I am definitely smelling yum now ;)

So for now I just wait for the work day to be over... blah.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First Post! So excited :)

Here I am, back into the blogging world! My name is Lindsay and this will be my little place where I can throw my thoughts around in word form. I used to blog a lot about 5 years ago or so but have since fell off, but I'm really excited to get going again!

First, a little about me and my life :) I am 25 years old and a mother of two awesome kids. Ava turned 6 this month and Carter will be 5 in September. I have a fiance named Steven and we have been together for going-on 4 years. Together, we have Abbie who is our 2 year old Chihuahua/Doxie (chiweenie, haha) and Breezy who is our newest addition.. she is a 3 month old white kitten! So we have a pretty full house!

Currently I am working part time at a college and also getting the ball rolling on taking some classes this fall while also seeking a full time job. Steven is disabled so he stays home with the kids and does the whole "stay at home parent" thing. He does so much for us and we are so happy to have him in our lives. We moved to NC a year ago from FL, where we met. He is originally from MA and I'm originally from NC. My dad retired last year so we chose to move to be closer to him. I wanted him to spend some time with his grandchildren. They do ♥ their PeePaw!

In our free time, we like to just spend it together at home. We do movie nights and go outside and ride bikes and scooters and play T ball (Ava just finished up her first year, it was a lot of fun!) and just run around and be crazy. I love, love, LOVE the beach but it seems we don't get there nearly enough :( I'm a total bargain hunter at heart and love seeking out awesome deals. I love to cook also and I'm always trying new recipes, most recently was crab rangoon criossants (which were YUM!). Other than that, we are your average little family.

I am really excited to start blogging again so I will do my best to keep this relatively updated, even if no one reads it :P