Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Friday.. Friday.. Gotta get down on Friday!

Ah, long time no blog, huh?! Sorry about that. It's been a cuh-raaaaazy couple of weeks.

On the 13th I had a CT scan on my liver and kidneys. The procedure wasn't bad at all, but the prep for it was borderline miserable. I had to drink two bottles of Barium to get ready. It was like cold, chalky, milky Hawaiian Tropic tanning oil.
After I was finished, I seriously felt like there were radioactive rocks in my tummy.

The next week, on the 18th, I had a ummm gastro procedure done as well. That was a blast, as you can imagine! I was extremely terrified but everything went well. I go on the 8th of October to get the results from both of those, so hoping for the best! Then we will see what the next step is.

School is going pretty well so far also! We are almost half way through the semester and I'm pretty sure I have 3 A's and one B.. I haven't made grades like that since the beginning on high school. I'm hoping I can keep my grades up until the end of the semester and get on the Dean's List or even the President's List. That would be amazing, and I would be so proud of myself.

Anyways, this morning I had court for child support. Always a fun way to spend the morning! My ex is $19,000 behind and has only made just over $200 in payments (July of this year) and we have been split for 5 1/2 years. This hearing was for his "failure to comply with a court order" (gee, ya think?) He had the option of making a lump sum payment, or going to jail today. I was almost sure he was going to go to jail, because if he can't pay his ordered $375 a month then I was sure he wouldn't have a way to make the lump sum payment. But no! Bank of Mommy came and made the payment for him! Wasn't that such a sweet and thoughtful thing to do for her 33 year old son? I thought so too. So the lump sum payment was $960 (5% of the current arrears.) Either way... I don't care where the money comes from, or who pays it, or how it gets paid... but someone needs to do it. I will just say, it would be a cold day in hell before I paid my childs' child support payment, but hopefully I will never have to cross that bridge because I'm raising my babies to be respectful, responsible citizens.

Besides that though, that's all that's new with me!

Friday, September 7, 2012

oops.. fell off the blog wagon.

Sorry, it's just been a super hectic few weeks. Both kids are in school full time now! It's amazingly quiet in the house in the mornings now.. I can drink my coffee or get ready for work/school in peace without being bugged a hundred and sixteen times to change the channel on the tv, put Netflix on, get a snack, get a drink, blahdy blahdy blahhhhhh. Carter man's birthday was yesterday! He is FIVE years old now. It's so crazy how my little baby is so big and smart now.

Here's a "first day of school pic" which is actually Carter's first day of school and Ava's sixth day of school. Carter is in preschool and Ava is in first grade this year.

And a birthday picture for my Coco!

I printed out a little "I'm 5 today!" graphic from google and pinned it to his shirt. He liked that a lot. He brought cupcakes to school yesterday also.. he picked out Toy Story but no pics of those. Apparently it was a hit.. why wouldn't it be, for 15 4 and 5 year olds?

All the important stuff aside, I did finally get into all my classes and everything there is going smoothly. I take 10 credit hours, which is considered to be 3/4 time. Three online classes and one campus class. So far, so good there though.